End season2019/20+Pen shootout event Saturday 5th Sept

2 Sep 2020 by Dave Chilton

Hi All,
this Saturday the club will be holding the annual penalty shootout and including the end of season awards. Due to social distancing all age groups are being split throughout the day. younger age groups starting at 12pm through to our age groups(2019/20) u16 black socks/white socks and u18 being from 4pm onwards.
As the new forthcoming u18’s we will not be partaking in the penalty shootout but just awards for 2019/20 season, Both u18 and u16 black socks didn’t complete their season, so their managers decided no awards to be be nominated – u16White socks only had 3 games to play thus full awards are being given out..
All u16 with 10years service will receive long service awards (from soccer school thru to u16)
hopefully see you all Saturday

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